Tag Archives: Albert Einstein

Winner announced -Doctor Who: The 10 Christmas Specials Ltd Ed Boxset Competition!

Hello everyone – now I shall tell you who the lucky winner is of a Doctor Who : The 10 Christmas Specials– Limited Edition Box Set!

I asked the question:

Now Clara is leaving the TARDIS, who would you like the Doctor to have an adventure with? You can choose anyone in time and space!

I picked the winner at random by numbering the entries and using a Random Number Generator.

Congratulations to the winner, Neil Firth!

Neil said ‘Wow, that’s absolutely brilliant news. I’m over the Moon – I absolutely love Dr Who.’

He voted for

Leonardo Da Vinci.

I think that is a great answer, imagine what they could invent together! He could also do a fantastic portrait of the Doctor. 🙂

Thank you to all 289 people who entered and told me who they would like to see in the TARDIS. I loved reading all the answers – some were a little crazy and some were just perfect!

Project Indigo readers Doctor Who companion suggestions - Stephen Fry, Kylie Minogue, Albert Einstein, Karl Pilkington, Lady C
The Top 5 suggestions!


The Top 5 suggestions were as follows:

  1. Stephen Fry
  2. Kylie Minogue
  3. Albert Einstein
  4. Karl Pilkington
  5. Lady C

Please see here for the results of all the votes:

Project Indigo readers would like the Doctor to have an adventure with these people!
Project Indigo readers would like the Doctor to have an adventure with these people! Cloud created at worditout.com

A little surprise was that 31% of the suggestions were female and 69% were male. I think people would really like to see the Doctor have a male companion.

What do you think? Do you agree with the results? Please leave a comment and let me know.

Thank you again to everyone who entered.

I hope you enjoy your prize Neil!


Tom presents Doctor Who: The 10 Christmas Specials!
Tom presents Doctor Who: The 10 Christmas Specials!